Learn, Unlearn and Relearn – What Does it Mean to You?

If you have been around here for a while, you will know I am quite a curious person and have been on a search for many years to increase my own wisdom. Over the years, one thing I have noticed is that learning quite often doesn’t turn in to change (well maybe it is just…

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You Are Not Broken and You Don’t Need Fixing!

One of the beliefs that I have struggled to untangle from over the years is the belief that I was broken and needed fixing. I can see very clearly where this belief formed, however knowing that and then untangling from it were two entirely different processes. Some days I still get hooked by that belief…

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Time to Integrate All Areas of Your Life?

Feel like you are more focused on your career and forgetting about the other areas of your life? Or finding that you don’t have time to look after your self-care as you are focused on looking after other people’s needs? Then maybe it is time to integrate all areas of your life?   What is…

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Are these 10 Positive Emotions Part of Your Life?

Why Are Positive Emotions Important? Yes, this may seem obvious, however I think it is important to identify. There are 2 main reasons why positive emotions are important – they open us up by changing the boundaries of our minds and hearts, and help us to change our outlook on our environments. In the following…

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7 Tips for Building Systems in to Your Current Life

One thing I am grateful for are the systems in my life. They make life easier and help me connect with the flow. As a CS on Extended DISC, it also helps me function more effectively and efficiently. However, there were times in my life where I didn’t trust myself enough to keep doing what…

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5 Areas of Life You Can to Start to Simplify Using Systems

Yes, life can be challenging and overwhelming. However, systems can start to simplify your life and help you focus on the things you can control. Therefore, in this post I wanted to share with you – What is a System? Life as a System, and 5 Areas of Your Life to Start to Simplify Using…

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What’s the Difference Between a Goal, an Intention and an Outcome?

Yay it is new moon time and I am writing my goal, intention and outcome for the next month. As I was filling out my monthly development and personal growth planner template, I discovered I hadn’t written a post on the difference between a goal, an intention and an outcome, so here it is. In…

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