Inspiring Happiness and Wellbeing Podcasts

One thing I enjoy doing when I am in the car, is listening to podcasts. So today, I thought I would share with you 4 inspiring happiness and wellbeing podcasts.   4 Inspiring Happiness and Wellbeing Podcasts Following are 4 inspiring happiness and wellbeing podcasts (in no particular order) – Podcast 1 – Being Well…

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Ready to Create a Personal Growth and Development Action Plan?

Do you have a personal growth and development action plan? If not, don’t worry. Or if your action plan needs updating, you may like to keep reading and do these steps first.   Why Create a Personal Growth and Development Action Plan? Life is challenging. There is a lot calling for our attention. Subsequently, we…

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20 Quotes to Inspire You to Unlock Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is often referred to as a “soft skill” or something that is not as important as IQ. Subsequently, I thought I would put together a range of quotes on emotional intelligence that might inspire you to unlock your emotional intelligence.   20 Quotes to Inspire You to Unlock Your Emotional Intelligence Following are…

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What’s Your Choice – BEing Empowered or Disempowered?

Today I wanted to share about BEing empowered and disempowered and recognising the choices within those two spaces. Why? Because the past few weeks I have started having weekly groups. Due to the Pandemic, I was unable to run the mindful movement class I was running, so after one of the ladies asked me what…

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The Why, What, Where, Who and When of Choices

The past few weeks, I have been talking to people about choices and the things we have control over. Subsequently, today I wanted to share some more about the why, what, where, who and when of choices. Let’s get started…   Why Choices? Quite simply as Rollo May writes in the Courage to Create –…

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Learning to Control the Controllables

These past few days, I have been having a lot of discussions about control and supporting people to focus on what’s within their control. Subsequently, I created a clip – Learning to Control the Controllables. In the following clip I discussed – What is Locus of Control? What is Choice Theory? Why Investigate What’s Within…

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What is the Difference Between a Process and System?

One thing I am grateful for are the systems and processes in my life. They make my life easier and help me continue to flow with life. As a CS on Extended DISC, it also helps me function more effectively and efficiently. However, there were times in my life where I didn’t trust myself enough…

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