If you had a simple tool that could change your state would you use it?
One reason why I have continued with the practice of mindfulness for many years now is because it helps me change my state and interrupt automatic pilot, which in turn changes the neural pathways in my brain (when I continue to do it) and my behaviour.
This is one area I continue to support my coaching clients – helping them to become a state shifter.
Let me show you what I mean…
In the diagram below, one end of the line is the negative end and the other end the positive end. Then in the middle is the balance or ‘is’ state. The line is the same line.
This is like each situation or experience in life – each situation or moment just is. However, it is our focus or interpretation of an experience that determines how we experience the situation.
The great news is we get to choose how we interpret a situation – we can choose to view any situation as positive, negative or balanced. Just like Viktor Frankl says, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom”.
Next time you are in a challenging situation, remember you can become your own state shifter as you have the freedom to choose how you respond. As you practice becoming a state shifter, remember none of us are perfect and we will make mistakes, so make sure you remember your self-compassion and be kind to others.
If you are ready to reclaim your courage and take the next step towards freedom and opening your heart, why not join our Toolkit?
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