

Hi I am Jane - I am an Embodiment Coach and Mentor who supports athletes and creative humans to win their day. I support you to untangle from too much stress / overwhelm, self-doubt, people-pleasing and perfectionism, so you can rediscover your inner authority and transition in to a place of truly knowing, valuing and trusting your Self, whilst fulfilling your purpose.

Our careers and life can throw us many challenges. At times we can feel overwhelmed, lost or lacking direction and purpose. We could be wanting to start a new career, get our finances organised, recover from an injury, manage our self better, prioritise self-care and time to nourish our body, mend a broken heart, grow and take you life to the next level or just want to try something new and be inspired by life again.

At times like these, it can help to have someone to talk to. Not someone to just motivate you, tell you to love yourself more or remind you to think positively. You want someone who believes in you. Someone who will support you, whilst you gain a fresh perspective and get back in to the flow of life, so you can create and lead a life YOU love.

And that is where I come in...

Supporting you as you take time to reconnect with your courage, realise you matter, believe in you (when you don't), get focused and help you in taking the steps to identify what matters to you and express your truth, so you can free yourself from mental (i.e. unhealthy habits, limiting beliefs and overthinking), emotional and physical clutter and create a life and career YOU love.

You + me. Partnering in your courageousness to express your truth, trust yourself and be your own authority.

Are you ready to know, value and trust yourself - come home and connect with your Whole-Hearted Self? 

How We Can Work Together...

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